CONCYTEC is Peru’s national institution dedicated to promoting scientific and technological innovation through concerted actions across public, academic, business and social platforms.
Through funding from the World Bank, CONCYTEC launched a series of initiatives to accelerate innovation, known as IVAI (short for Iniciativas de Vinculación para Acelerar la Innovación), in eight regional value chains across Peru. Competitiveness was commissioned to lead this series, along with the European Foundation for Cluster Excellence (EFCE).
The team led the execution of eight initiatives to promote economic development in each value chain. The process began with in-depth survey (composed of field interviews and analytics) to assess the current reality of each sector at the local level, within the context of global market trends. This analysis pinpointed investment priorities in infrastructure, skills, and financing to raise the competitiveness of the private sector. The team facilitated regionally-led approaches by improving communication channels across public, private, and academic institutions. Through these strategic networks, EFCE and Competitiveness led the execution of eight IVAIs covering each of the priority industries: distilled spirits in Lima, mining suppliers in Cajamarca, tropical & sub-tropical superfruits in Madre de Dios, textile & apparel in Arequipa, Andean grains in Ayacucho, wood processing industry in Ucayali, sustainable shrimp aquaculture in Tumbes, and cultural, natural & adventure tourism in Lambayeque and La Libertad.