The Colombian Confederation of Chamber of Commerce (CONFECÁMARAS) is leading along with the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism the Colombian Cluster Network, a platform that gathers all cluster efforts in the country through the articulation of actors and access to the latest quality information on cluster development.
Develop a deep collaboration within the Colombian cluster ecosystem, taking advantage of inter-industrial externalities, promoting integration of companies and institutions from sectors that could be disconnected.
COMPETITIVENESS designed an intercluster collaboration methodology, based on open innovation foundations and focus on strategic sectoral approaches through a series of workshops that bring together challenges and capabilities from different sectors.
This consultancy included a pilot that was carried out with the participation of 12 clusters from different agricultural sectors such as coffee, cocoa, pineapple, banana and citrus, connecting them with institutions, R&D centers, universities and companies in the AgriTech and Bioscience sectors.
Documentation of the developed methodology, including lessons and learnings of the pilot, which will serve as a basis for scaling with other groups of clusters .
Identification of 5 collaboration projects and minimum viable products aimed to solve challenges in different topics such as circular economy, weather monitoring systems and use of byproducts, among others.