iNNpulsa is the innovation and entrepreneurship agency of Colombia’s national government. In partnership with 12 regional chambers of commerce, iNNpulsa led the implementation of Rutas Competitivas (Competitive Roadmaps), a national program to boost regional development by strengthening key clusters.
Rutas Competitivas is the first national effort in Colombia to empower chambers of commerce professionals to create competitive advantage within their respective regions. The 12 chambers of commerce were tasked with mapping two key clusters within each region, resulting in 24 individual cluster analyses as well as one interconnected ecosystem of cluster initiatives at the national level.
Led a joint training program for 50 chamber of commerce professionals; teams were introduced to methodological tools and concepts relevant for value chain analysis and cluster activation. Training workshops facilitated networking amongst the different teams, generating a common dialogue and knowledge base.
In parallel, each local team applied Competitiveness’ methodology in practice – with the constant support of Competitiveness’ Senior Consultants and Tutors – to two different clusters in each of their regions.
Local teams completed strategic analysis, change management and action plans for 24 projects from key industries across Colombia: